Work Packages

Project’s timeline


WP1 Management and Coordination of the Action

Brief description: WP1 covers the management and coordination of the project. This work package is about the management, coordination and quality assurance activities of the project and will run throughout its duration. Its main objective is to ensure the successful completion of the project goals.

Participating partners: KEMEA, SOBT, EUC, IICT-BAS, CP.
Start date: 01.10.2019
End date: 31.03.2022

WP2 CBRN / Terrorism Risk Analysis

Brief description: The aim of this Work Package is to identify, examine, analyse, and systematically categorise the spectrum of risks related to CBRN threats against soft targets (open public spaces) as well as terrorism targeting chemical Critical infrastructures that will fall within the scope of the current proposal.

Lead partner: EUC
Participating partners: KEMEA, SOBT, EUC, IICT-BAS, CP.
Start date: 01.10.2019
End date: 30.04.2020

WP3 Technology Assessment & Open Call

Brief description: The Work Package will be focused on establishment of a technology evaluation framework and its deployment towards the launching of an open tender for the procurement of specific equipment. It will refer to implementation of 3 distinct procurement processes running in parallel covering the distinct training needs of first line practitioners in the 3 participating countries (Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria).

Lead partner: KEMEA
Participating partners: KEMEA, SOBT, EUC, IICT-BAS, CP 5.
Start date: 01.03.2020
End date: 30.04.2021

WP4 Training & Field Exercises

Brief description: WP4 is aiming to raise awareness and train first-line practitioners (police special intervention units officers, border guards, emergency services) that are responsible to tackle incidents regarding both CBRN threats as well as terrorist attacks on Critical Infrastructures (CI) at national and transnational level in Greece, Cyprus and Bulgaria. Two major field exercises for first line practitioners are foreseen to be implemented towards better understanding of CBRNE threats as well as CI protection.

Lead partner: KEMEA
Participating partners: KEMEA, SOBT, EUC, IICT-BAS, CP.
Start date: 01.03.2021
End date: 31.03.2022

WP5 Dissemination & Exploitation

Brief description: The key objective of this Work Package is to define and establish suitable dissemination and exploitation actions that COBRA will undertake in order to ensure its success and sustainability. The Work Package captures the communication and dissemination strategy of the consortium, adopting the most appropriate dissemination tools and channels.

Lead partner: ICT-BAS
Participating partners: KEMEA, SOBT, EUC, IICT-BAS, CP.
Start date: 01.10.2010
End date: 31.03.2022