


COBRA in brief
COBRA or Confrontation of CBRN-Terrorism Threats project aims to increase preparedness and response capabilities of South-East Europe LEAs against terrorist attacks and CBRN treats. This is an initiative addressing wide range of complex challenges and asymmetric threats with focus on Law Enforcement Agencies. Тraining, equipment and security for citizens and infrastructures (both critical and public spaces) is the main focus of the project.
Project Objectives
The COBRA project aims to:
- Raise awareness and increase preparedness and response capabilities of South-East Europe LEAs against terrorist attacks to public spaces and CBRN threats.
- Provide specialized training to personnel involved in detecting and mitigating the impact of attacks to open public spaces and managing CBRN risks of critical infrastructures.
- Invest to the procurement and upgrade of field technical equipment and components for incident response as well as for special training purposes.
- Share good practices and lessons learnt to efficiently align relevant SOPs in case of cross jurisdictional incidents.
Project Information
The COBRA project aims to:
Project full title: Confrontation of CBRN-Terrorism Threats
Project acronym: COBRA
Type of funding scheme: ISF-Police Action Grant (Call: ISFP-2018-AG-CT)
Topic addressed: Protection
Start date of the project: 01.10.2019
End date of the project: 31.05.2023
Total Cost: EUR 1 644 529.01
Total EU Contribution: EUR 1 454 075.12
Grant Agreement No: 861789
Co-ordinator organisation name: The Center for Security Studies (KEMEA), Greece
Partners: Greece (KEMEA), Bulgaria (SOBT, IICT-BAS) and Cyprus (EUC, CP)